Zilnic intre 9.00-18.00


Brand event – ​​International Business Forum from September 5, 2019 – Participation in the international level event that pursues opportunities for the development of Romanian export capacity and investments in foreign markets.

The second edition of the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FORUM - IBF is organized by the Ministry for the Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship on September 5, 2019, at the Parliament Palace. The IBF conference was addressed to Romanian entrepreneurs who want to internationalize their businesses and want to identify development opportunities in new markets.

The development of Romanian companies, the consolidation of commercial relations with foreign partners, the expansion of markets around the world, and the expansion of investments in the Romanian economy are the main objectives of MMACA in the area of ​​commercial diplomacy and supporting the business environment.

The event was attended by representatives of the domestic business environment, of the Diplomatic Corps (ambassadors and economic advisors accredited in Bucharest), as well as Romania's economic advisors abroad, government officials, representatives of professional associations, employers, and chambers of commerce.

The participants, Romanians and foreigners, had the opportunity to find out the particularities of the various sales markets, the fiscal facilities, and details about the legislative package in the countries of origin, to identify future business partners, for the creation of new businesses or the development of existing ones.

At the IBF 2019 edition, the areas of discussion within the panels were: Mentoring for start-ups, internationalization of SMEs, foreign trade, e-commerce, e-government, IT&C and R&D, banking, smart city and urban mobility, European funds 2014-2020/2021-2027 and Romanian products on international markets.

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