"Gala of students' performance in the 2024 national assessments", a high-level event held at the Romanian Senate, organized by the Commission for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Religious Denominations and Minorities, together with Nutribalance


The event was dedicated to the best students in Romania, who obtained an average of 10 in the National Assessment and Baccalaureat. The students who achieved academic excellence were awarded with honorary diplomas and prizes offered by the event partners, in recognition of their efforts and outstanding academic performance.

Together with this high-profile event, the official launch of the project "Raising Healthy Generations" took place, dedicated to educating parents, teachers, doctors, and students about lifestyle, especially personalized nutrition, mental health, and many other important aspects in the growth and development of all of us, from small to large.

The project "Raising Healthy Generations" has lifestyle education as its main objective.

Future educational programs will support physical, mental, and emotional health education for children, their families, teachers, and doctors. Thus, children and adults will learn that the road from their potential to performance is ensured only by a harmonious, balanced, step-by-step, individually defined, harmonious lifestyle throughout life.