Digitized Procedure
Calitakropolis Solutions bring regulation to top international standards.

The assistance in the optimization of the procedure relieves the unit of the possibility of a failure at the time of verifications by the higher fora and helps the collective to acquire the correct and clear formalization, without making sustained, but, often, ineffective efforts.

The Health Services Quality Management structure has the main task of managing and maintaining the regulations in the unit. However, the entire collective mistakenly assesses the proportion of keeping the existing documentation, and the efforts for the immediate procedural needs.
The predefined models of procedures are evaluated semiannually/annually in the context of the need to integrate the management systems and comply with the ANMCS and ISQua accreditation standards.

Medical Quality Application – MediQApp is the first software through which hospital documentation is designed, implemented, evaluated, and periodically audited remotely, and with very good results, recognized including by ISQua.

The MediQapp application offers users the possibility of efficient participation, with limited responsibility, clearly managed through advanced technology.
A participatory procedure is obtained without physical meetings while obtaining at the same time some procedures with the appropriate content.