On-line Training

Staff training can be organized in the form of seminars or courses using modern methods with interactive, participatory techniques (presentations, discussions, brainstorming, group exercises, role-playing, case studies, etc.).
The training agenda and work tools are customized based on the objectives and profile of the target group, or the specific level of expertise of the participants.

The training objectives are established in collaboration with the beneficiary and can be supported with the help of professional training providers (internal/international) with whom CALITAKROPOLIS collaborates.
Types of training

Internal trainings at the unit's headquarters or online can have the following objectives:
- Deepening the procedures and use of documentation for processes
- Supporting the development of the internal managerial control system and implementing risk analysis
- Achieving the best response to external evaluations and ANMCS accreditation

External trainings managed with the help of MediQapp
- Can be external training in the form of seminars or courses on pre-established and scheduled topics, with a participation fee.
- Participants can receive certificates of participation in these external training sessions, proving the completion of the unit's staff training on the respective issues