We have been institutional members of ISQua since 2019

The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is a membership-based community and non-profit organization dedicated to promoting quality improvement in healthcare.
ISQua has been a significant benchmark of excellence in the field for 40 years, contributing to the global improvement of healthcare quality and safety. The extensive network of healthcare professionals spans over 70 countries and 6 continents.

Detalii relevante in sectiunea Evenimente!

Cape Town we are coming to ISQua's 36th International Conference 2019! Romania was invited to participate!
In the E-Health and Innovation category, the MediQApp computer system is presented to over 170 countries participating in the event!
About the concept you can find on www.mediqapp.ro

International Conference "ISQUA and Quality Management from Romania" Romanian Academy of Scientists, "Titu Maiorescu" University, Calitakropolis
September 30, 2020
Calitakropolis Sponsor Bronze for Hospital Workers' Wellbeing Matters IHS & ISQua February 23, 2021